Creating powerful, beautiful creative solutions.

Why Neon Bricks?… Well, we live to make our clients stand out from the crowd. We want to see you to shine the brightest; turn more heads; be noticed and more importantly be remembered. If everyone is talking about us (and who doesn’t love a little praise?), then it’s been a productive day at work. But if everyone is talking about you – you know we’ve done the job right!

Our company’s core values are simple, yet they’re powerfully meaningful to us and all of our employees: We Create, We Care, We Cultivate, We are a Community.

We listen our clients.

One of the most crucial aspects of building relationships with our clients is listening to their needs. We don’t just want to know about your business but we want to know about you. Specifically what makes you and your business special and what we can do to make you shine.

We understand our clients.

Listening is an important tool but it can only take us so far without understanding – this means we will make sure we understand you too. We will ask the questions to really get to know you and what you would like to achieve in working with Neon Bricks.

We are interested in our clients.

Most importantly we are interested in you, your business and the relationship we build. What makes us different to other agencies? We are genuinely interested in what you have to say, understanding what you are telling us and how we can build something amazing together.

“To be successful is to be helpful, caring, and constructive, to make everything and everyone you touch a little bit better” – Norman Vincent Peale

Brand / Identity

Your visual identity is often the first interaction that a potential customer or client has with your brand, and even though people say they don’t judge books by their covers – you can bet they do. When it comes down to it, your company’s image is you after all – so let’s get this perfect! We examine factors such as the company’s competitive landscape and its target audience alongside business goals to create the most personalized experience possible for each individual.

Web / Digital

We craft digital experiences that not only look good but also work great. We understand how to create aesthetically pleasing websites and applications that tell a powerful story while improving your brand’s performance. We use the latest web design technology and methods to create cutting-edge, fully functional interfaces. With us, you’ll get the beautiful design and usability you want, as well as reliable performance that helps move your business forward.

Print / Design

We craft print and package design solutions that make your company stand out in the market. We’ll work closely with you to bring your ideas to life and produce exceptional results you can be proud of. With a keen understanding for attention grabbing visuals, every detail is thoughtfully considered for maximum effect. From brainstorming your goals, to crafting high quality products – we’re always there for you every step of the way.

Marketing / Campaigns

Regardless of how great your product or service is, without a proper marketing strategy, it will fall prey to other brands in today’s oversaturated market. Marketing strategies are vital for every successful company and with people not having the time to pay attention, they become even more important to execute properly. Creative campaigns that can seamlessly be backed up by strong branding are essential if you want your brand seen at all times.

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun” – Mary Lou Cook

Want to go steady?

We strive to build strong long term relationships with our clients. To be honest ‘client’ is not a word used very often around Neon Bricks, we much prefer ‘friend’ and we are not afraid to put in the work to prove that we make a good friend. Not to brag but most of our clients are our friends, we are definitely the kid in the playground who shares their lunch.

In all seriousness we want to cultivate strong relationships with our clients, by showing we care about you and your business we know we can do that this but we think a friendship is always a nice little bonus to make working together a pleasure.

“Whether they stem from business or personal situations, our relationships are what support us, connect us, and allow us to progress in all aspects of our lives” – Michelle Tillis Lederman

We work with brands of all sizes in a wide range of industries…

Are you ready to take your brand on a journey to the next level

…the lines are open

Just a few little details to get us going
What name do your friends call you?your full name
Mobile Numberyour full name
How can we help start you on your journey to amazingness?more details
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